Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday, February 23

Tell me about your weekend. Give me a story, something funny that happened, an experiencing you had, the way you felt, etc. Include photos!

This weekend I went to Subway to visit my friend and then me and some other friends went to see a movie. We may or may not have seen Fifty Shades of Grey. I went home after that and binge watched That 70's Show. On Sunday I did all of my homework then went to Popeyes with my friend. We went to subway again to see our friend and then I bought myself flowers and went home and listened to Drake's mixtape. 


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Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday, February 20

It would be pretty great if we could learn stuff that we can actually use in the real world. Like oh I don't know maybe how to buy a house or a car or balance a check book. I would actually spend my class time learning because it would actually matter more than logarithms. These classes would be different then the ones I have now because they would actually help me in life.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Thursday, February 19

Copy and past these over to your blog and tell me a little about yourself. If you have a picture or two that might represent one of your answers make sure to include it.

My favorite food: all food
Foods I'd like to avoid: tomatoes 
My favorite things to learn: 
My favorite color: purple, red, blue
My best friends are: Khira, Cailey, Josh, Vance, G, Gracie, Alli, Kirsten
My favorite games to play: Apples to Apples
My favorite books: John Green books 
My favorite movies or TV shows: That 70's Show, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Wayne's World
My favorite holiday: Fourth of July and Halloween 
Things I do well: Tell jokes 
Things I need to practice more: Not speaking everything that is on my mind 
My favorite place to go: Venice Beach 
My favorite family activities: Going to the movies 
My favorite thing to do outside: Penny board 
My favorite chore: lol
My least favorite chore: all of them
What I want to be when I grow up: Beyonce 
A place I want to visit: Europe 
My favorite part of the year: Spring/Summer time 
My favorite part of each day: The time before I go to sleep

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday, February 17

Color can convey a lot of emotion when it comes to designing anything from a product to a website to an advertisement to a logo and so much more. What do you think the importance of colors on a website are? What is a color scheme and why is it important to have when designing? Explain any thoughts you might have around color in design.

 Colors can set the mood of the website. Plus they make it more interesting to look at because if there was no color then it would be really boring and bland. A color scheme is nice because it is nice and organized and makes the website look presentable. Color and design make website look fun.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tuesday, February 10

Think about the quote above. What does this mean to you? How could this apply to your life? How could this apply to your school work (especially Web Design!)?  I would love to give you less work in class if it meant you were going to focus harder on the work. Do you think you would get more out of it? Would that work for you? Why or why not?

It would make me think more about what I am doing. I would not be as stressed about time?? I really don't know. I would make sure my work was more quality rather than quantity. I would get more out of it if we focused more on less. I'm pretty sure that would work for me.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday, February 9

Tell me all about your weekend! I sure hope you have photos to share.

  This weekend I went to a tournament. It was pretty chill. I got second place in sparring. Then me and my friends went to Abuelo's and we ate food. On Sunday I went to my math tutor at Starbucks. Then I went to the mall with a friend. I ate Chipotle, it was good. Then I picked up my other friend from Jose Peppers and we went to eat at Popeyes and then we went to Savers and I bought a windbreaker. Then I went home and watched the Grammy's. The end. 


Friday, February 6, 2015

Friday, February 6

What's the coolest thing you've learned in this class so far this year? Now that you have a little knowledge, what do you want to learn that you don't know how to do yet?

The grooviest thing I have learned in this class is the css. I think it is fun to design my website. I would like to learn how to make cool graphics on my website and how to go more in depth. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Monday, February 2

Tell me all about your Sweetheart weekend (even if you sat at home on the couch!). Include photos!

  On Friday me and my friend ventured to Savers and we bough some dope stuff. Then we saw our pal at subway and this other guy at subway who was being really salty but that's a different story. Then I went to my Hyper class which was fun. On Saturday I went to a tournament which was really great. I got second in weapons and first in sparring. Then me and some tae kwon do  friends went to the Cracker Barrel. On Sunday I took a nap and then went to a friend's house to watch the super bowl. So this weekend was pretty great.